The Ministry for Priestly Support offers mentoring aimed at the integration of contemplative receptivity within the three-fold munera.
Assess. Before priests arrive, we check in to assess their needs.
Exhale. Priests arrive the day before to exhale, relax, rest, and pray.
Engage. The mentoring is designed to help priests engage with God. We clarify the questions so he can go to the Lord for the answers.
Plan. Before he leaves the island, we develop a concrete plan for the next 90-days with the priest.
Return. He returns to his parish living his 90-day plan, and we provide a monthly check-in to support him until we see him again.
The priest arrives on Wednesday after lunch. The rest of the day is for him to sleep, relax, and pray.
We start Thursday at 8 am. We assess how he’s been since we last saw them and further clarify what needs to be addressed during today.
The priests take to the Blessed Sacrament one or two questions that rose to the surface during the morning session. Our job is to help him engage with the Lord directly.
We unpack his prayer and then spend the rest of the day at “the glass board” discussing practical ways to respond what God is asking of him as leader.
We develop a concrete plan for the next 90-days and conclude with a good meal.
Priests receive exclusive access to a privately owned beach house for the duration of their stay on the island.
Real-time costs for exclusive access to two consultants, accommodations, resources, and meals are pre-determined. We can discuss that with you personally.
Sponsorships and/or funding conversations may assist those with the desire for mentoring.
Let’s talk about your situation before we settle on an actual “per day” billing total.
Mentoring is limited to priests.
Priest participants should be ordained at least three years. Exceptions can be made with mutual discernment.
Priest participants should be striving towards consistency with one’s holy hour, specifically 60-minutes of Scripture-based relational prayer.
Priest participants must present a Letter of Suitability or a Letter of Good Standing from their ordinary.
An interview via Zoom is required as part of the application.
For more information or start a conversation, email Kristin.