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The Ministry for Priestly Support, in partnership with Our Lady of the Isle Catholic Church, is offering a weekend silent retreat during the first weekend of Lent 2024. The theme of the retreat will focus on what do to when prayer is dry, using Saint Ignatius of Loyola's Rules for the Discernment of Spirits as our guide..


There’s a great quote that captures how we often feel about prayer. “Many Christians are aware of the necessity and the beauty of prayer and have a sincere yearning for it. Yet, apart from tentative efforts soon abandoned, few remain faithful to this mode of prayer, and even fewer are really convinced and satisfied by their own practice of it.”


Wow. That sounds like me. Does that sound like you?


Keep listening. “We would like to pray, but we cannot manage it. … Our time of prayer passes leaving us distracted, and since it does not seem to yield any tangible fruit, we are tempted to give up.”


Wow. Ever been there? That also sounds like my life. What about you?


Hans Urs von Balthazar wrote those words in his book entitled Prayer. Many of us want to pray. You wouldn’t be on this website if you didn’t want to pray. However, sometimes prayer is hard. It can feel dry. And, sometimes, “nothing” happens.


If you want help, consider this year’s Lent retreat for men.






  • Friday, February 16

  • Saturday, February 17

  • Sunday, February 18




  • Our Lady of the Isle Catholic Church, 195 Ludwig Lane, Grand Isle, Louisiana 70358.




Friday, February 16


  • 12 Noon to 5 pm: (optional) Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions available.

  • 5-5:30 pm: (optional) Daily Mass

  • 5:30-6:15 pm: Check-in for the retreat. Dinner. Meet the other retreatants. 

  • 6:15-6:30 pm: Transition into silence

  • 6:30-7:30 pm: Talk no. 1. Who is Ignatius? What are the Rules? How can they help me?

  • Rest of the evening: Silence. Personal reflection and prayer.

  • 7:30-8:30 pm: Optional holy hour with Eucharistic Adoration. Confessions available.


Saturday, February 17


  • Morning: Relax. Watch the sunset or sleep in. Enjoy your coffee. Cook breakfast. Enjoy the peace. We’ll provide resources for optional spiritual reading.

  • 8:30- 9 am: Confessions available.

  • 9-10 am: Talk no. 2: What is spiritual desolation? When I’m there, what should I do and not do? How should I think?

  • 10-2 pm: Relax. Read. Grab lunch. Take nap. Exercise. Take another nap. We’ll provide resources for optional spiritual reading.

  • 10-11 am: Optional holy hour with Eucharistic Adoration. Confessions available.

  • 1:30-2 pm: Confessions available.

  • 2-3 pm: Talk no. 3: Why does God allow spiritual desolation? 

  • 3-7 pm: Relax. Read. Enjoy dinner. Learn to slow down. Be present to the present moment. We’ll provide resources for optional spiritual reading.

  • 6:30-7 pm: Confessions available.

  • 7-8 pm: Talk no. 4: What does temptation look like when you’re in spiritual desolation? 

  • Rest of the evening: Relax. Enjoy the silence. Read. Pray. We’ll provide resources for optional spiritual reading.

  • 8-9 pm: Optional holy hour with Eucharistic Adoration. Confessions available.


Sunday, February 18


  • Morning: Relax. Watch the sunset or sleep in. Enjoy your coffee. Cook breakfast. Enjoy the peace. We’ll provide resources for optional spiritual reading.

  • 9-10 am: Talk no. 5: What’s next? How do you keep it going back home?

  • 10-11 am: Mass at Our Lady of the Isle

  • 11-12 noon: Sharing of graces with the other men on retreat, as well as an update on ministry to priests in Grand Isle.




  • Is there a fee? $75 per person.

  • What is provided? We provide talks, resources, one-on-one conversation (if needed), and Eucharistic Adoration.

  • Is housing provided? No. Participants are responsible for their own housing. Click here for a list of hotel options on the island. Click here for a list of camps available to rent for the weekend.

  • Are meals provided? No. Participants are responsible for their own meals.

  • What's the status of church renovation? In January 2024, Our Lady of the Isle began restoration of property damaged during Hurricane Ida. Phase I of restoration includes mostly exterior work to the church proper. However, at the time of the 2024 Lent retreat for men, there will be visible signs of interior renovation to the church, namely in the sanctuary and stained glass windows. Please note, the church will be available for the retreat, she just may not be as beautiful in February of 2024 as she will be at Easter of 2025. 



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